Monday, 22 June 2009

Heat 5: Gumby V.S. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' Megazord

Gumby V.S. Megazord

One can change into anything and walk through walls. The other is the combined power of all the Mighty Morphn Power Rangers' zords.

This is going to be a tough one.

Voting finishes 29th June, 2009.

Thanks to JD for this nolstalgic-packed photo!


  1. *gumby! he was once a little green ball of clay... *

    and that's what he'll be after megazord steps on him and crushes him! mwahahaha!

  2. never liked the power rangers, but i dont know what a gumby is..... so i think i have to go for the unknown factor, and Gumby to win

  3. Posted on my Facebook page:

    Lisa Dib at 00:55 on 23 June
    Gumby FTW!

  4. Posted on my Facebook page:

    Genevieve Spalding at 12:34 on 23 June
    Gumby, because the Power Rangers are nothing without their "here's some I prepared earlier" brand of pyrotechnics!

  5. Gumby has almost infinite powers of transformation, but no real weapons. Hmmm… I think he could gum up the Megazord to make it backfire or fall off a cliff. And he can't really die. G to tha Umby!
