Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Heat 8: Jayne Cobb (Firefly) V.S. Spike (Buffy & Angel)

Jayne Cobb V.S. Spike

Two of Joss Whedon's finest fight it out this week thanks to Kristy Mills.

Place your bets/votes below.

Votes after the 14th of July will not be counted.


  1. Spike. I can't go past a vampire, especially not one that Billy Idol got his look from ;]

  2. Hammo's in town. He said probably Spike.
    I say Spike too, just because Jayne ain't too think-heavy up in his brainbox.

    (PS I'll send more people pics soon. Ish. )

  3. Spike. Jayne was cool but a bit of a luddite, Spike is all sneaky and funny and faux English. Spike all the way...

  4. Jayne. He's an angry man with a girls name.
